Impact Leaders Forum

Reforest' Action


Regenerating (agro)forest ecosystems on a large scale to meet global challenges. Reforest'Action is a B Corp certified company whose mission is to regenerate forest and agricultural ecosystems around the world, in response to the climate emergency and the erosion of biodiversity, through local action. To do this, Reforest'Action develops projects with multiple benefits and based on the stability of ecosystems over time, relying on field experience and local communities on the one hand, and science and technology on the other. Since its inception in 2010, Reforest'Action has funded more than 25 million trees in 43 countries thanks to the contributions of more than 3,000 companies and 400,000 citizens. In 2021, Reforest'Action has been recognized as a Partner-Actor of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration. For more information, visit


Notre mission depuis 2010
Notre action sur l’année 2022
Zoom sur un projet régénératif de restauration de mangrove à Sumatra

Actualités - Livres blancs

Rapport annuel d’activité Reforest’Action
Nos solutions basées sur la forêt
Reforest’Action en chiffres

Business cases

Pérou : les impacts socio-économiques d’un projet démarré il y a 8 ans
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Restauration des Páramos en Colombie, une approche régénérative
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A Sumatra, les villageois renouent avec les bénéfices de la mangrove
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