Impact Leaders Forum



Fruggr evaluates and improves the environmental and social footprint of digital. Fruggr, a solution and experts to support companies in their need to decarbonize, the automated collection of auditable data. Establish your Responsible Digital Roadmap and find in a single tool all your data to monitor and improve your footprint, while contributing to the extra-financial indicators of the company. Digital sustainability at the heart of your operational model: collect, measure, visualize and manage relevant data to progress towards a more sustainable performance. Simplify the control of your CSR data in a complex and regulated ecosystem by focusing on the governance of reliable environmental and social digital indicators. Fruggr, a trusted third party: - Greentech Innovation label from the French Ministry of Ecological Transition - An R&D labelled by the Image&Réseaux competitiveness cluster - A solution chosen by ADEME and many large groups - Multiple awards received - More than 50 experts in the field of responsible digital technology - A company with a mission labeled BCorp and ESU


Discover Fruggr SaaS Solution
Pitch Fruggr Challenge Fintech by Finance4Tomorrow #ChangeNow
BSmart : Le débat du lundi 16 mai 2022 sur le numérique responsable

Business cases

Comment initier votre stratégie Numérique Responsable : La méthodologie de Digital4better pour une stratégie numérique responsable réussie
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ADEME : Cohérence et sobriété - Comment appliquer concrètement les principes de la sobriété numérique sur l’ensemble de ses services numériques ?
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Natixis IM - Dorval Asset Management - Cas client
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