Impact Leaders Forum

PROGRAM Leaders Impact Forum

Leadership in the face of impact challenges! 

12 sessions
May 11th
06:30 am - 07:00 am

[8H30-9H00] Welcome coffee & Breakfast

May 11th
07:00 am - 07:10 am

Welcome speech

Vincent Ducrey
HUB Institute
May 11th
07:10 am - 07:20 am

From CSR to Impact assessment, the culture of equality by and for companies

Isabelle Rome
Ministre déléguée auprès de la Première ministre, chargée de l'Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, de la Diversité et de l'Égalité des chances
May 11th
07:15 am - 07:20 am

SESSION 1 - New regulations and responsible governance

Let's explore the challenges of new regulations such as the CSRD, the Green Industry Act and the European standards for responsible governance. Discover the impact of these regulations on large companies and the challenges they face in complying with these new requirements.
May 11th
07:20 am - 07:30 am

France 2030: what roadmap for innovation and digital responsibility?

Georges-Etienne Faure
Secrétariat Général pour l'Investissement
Directeur du pôle Souveraineté Numérique
May 11th
07:30 am - 07:40 am

Horizon 2030: multiple actions to decarbonise Rungis International Market

Frédérique Wagon
Directrice Exécutive de l'Engagement et des Affaires Publiques
May 11th
07:40 am - 07:50 am

Governance in action: engaging the highest level of organizations and deploying concrete solutions

Audrey Chavancy
GL Events
Directrice RSE & Risques Groupe
May 11th
07:50 am - 08:00 am

Climate strategy, sobriety plan and governance

Marjolaine Grisard
Directrice RSE
May 11th
08:00 am - 08:10 am

New regulatory issues related to fundamental rights and new CoP

Anthony Ratier
Pacte Mondial RĂ©seau France
Responsable Droits humains et Ă©thique
May 11th
08:10 am - 08:20 am

CSRD Directive: focus on the Principal Adverse Impacts

Laure Villepelet
Tikehau Capital
Head of ESG / CSR
May 11th
08:20 am - 08:30 am

Orientations and commitments to get leaders on board for Positive Impact

Patrick Martin
Président délégué
May 11th
08:30 am - 09:00 am

[10.30am. - 11.00 am.] NETWORKING BREAK

12 sessions

10 sessions
May 11th
08:55 am - 09:35 am

SESSION 2 - Role and tasks of the Impact company

From the mission-driven company to the regenerative enterprise, what are the main levers of action that enable decision-makers to take concrete action? Focus on inspiring initiatives and solutions.
May 11th
09:00 am - 09:10 am

How can CSR and Sustainable Development influence the global strategy of large groups?

Fabrice Bonnifet
Collège des directeurs du Développement Durable
May 11th
09:10 am - 09:20 am

Can we implement an ambitious CSR strategy within a mass market company?

PĂ©tronille Ricard
Directrice RSE
May 11th
09:20 am - 09:30 am

Why should companies take a proactive approach to addressing climate change?

Thomas Krummenacker
Johnson Controls
Directeur Sustainability Infrastructure Europe
May 11th
09:30 am - 09:45 am

Business France's roadmap for an attractive and sustainable economy

Laurent Saint-Martin
Business France
Directeur Général
May 11th
09:45 am - 09:55 am

A first approach to the regenerative enterprise

Maximilien Rouer
AXA Climate
Head of Regenerative Business Partnerships
May 11th
09:55 am - 10:05 am

Measuring Impact across the value chain

Stéphanie Bonet
Head of Climate & Biodiversity Solutions Department
May 11th
10:05 am - 10:15 am

How to engage the company in a logic of transition?

Gaëlle Le Vu
Orange France
Directrice de la Communication et de la RSE
May 11th
10:20 am - 10:30 am

The new business paradigm: deciphering and challenges

Hélène Valade
Présidente de l'ORSE & Directrice Développement Environnement du Groupe LVMH
May 11th
10:30 am - 12:00 pm

[12.30pm. - 2pm.] LUNCH BREAK

10 sessions

9 sessions
May 11th
10:50 am - 11:00 am

SESSION 3 - Acting for the climate, preserving the environment

This 3rd session will focus on climate and environmental issues. Above all, we will discuss real and efficient actions to act on scopes 1, 2 and 3 and the preservation of resources, and will highlight the existing opportunities to transform the economy despite a constrained context.
May 11th
12:00 pm - 12:10 pm

Presentation of the Impact Maturity Survey results

Lila Ricci
HUB Institute
Impact Analyst
May 11th
12:10 pm - 12:20 pm

How do industrial players sustainably transform their activities? Focus on innovative solutions

Magali Anderson
Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer
May 11th
12:20 pm - 12:30 pm

Should offsetting still be part of a company's climate transition strategy ?

Mathieu Cribellier
South Pole
Directeur South Pole France
May 11th
12:30 pm - 12:40 pm

Circularity at the service of the climate strategy and the preservation of resources

Julie-Marlène Pélissier
Head of Sustainability - Region Europe South
May 11th
12:40 pm - 12:50 pm

Develop a Climate Sobriety Strategy and an associated transformation plan, at the group level

Alain Le Garrec
Groupe VYV
Directeur Coordination et Projets DĂ©veloppement Durable
May 11th
12:50 pm - 01:00 pm

What carbon trajectory for 2030?

CĂ©dric Nicard
Directeur du DĂ©veloppement Durable
May 11th
01:00 pm - 01:10 pm

VĂ©lotaf: the employee benefit that supports the CSR strategy

Olivier Issaly
May 11th
01:10 pm - 01:25 pm

The ecological transition, the challenge of the century for HR?

Alexandra Malak
Renault Group
Vice-President of Human Ressources
Sophie Loeuilleux
Lab RH
HR Project and Content Manager
9 sessions

6 sessions
May 11th
01:25 pm - 01:35 pm

SESSION 4 - For a committed economy!

New paradigms are pushing us to reinvent ourselves: high-potential start-ups, visions of the future, training programs, innovative ecosystems... Many initiatives are underway to develop new business models. Here's an overview.
May 11th
01:30 pm - 01:40 pm

How to transform its economic model towards regenerative?

Manon Le Bourdiec
Directrice Marketing et de la Communication
May 11th
01:40 pm - 01:55 pm

Public, private and environmental ecosystems work together to promote Positive Impact

Pierre Deron
Cleantech Open France
Directeur Délégué
Philippe Kunter
BPI France
Directeur du DĂ©veloppement durable et de la RSE
May 11th
01:55 pm - 02:05 pm

Presentation of the Business ReModel Canvas

Benjamin Zimmer
Entreprise & Progrès
May 11th
02:05 pm - 02:10 pm

From awareness to contribution: future managers facing the climate challenge

Romain Luc
School Of Impact
May 11th
02:10 pm - 02:30 pm

Revelation of the HUB35 2023 Prize List: committed young leaders

6 sessions